Monday, June 28, 2010


Another night of insomnia which always make me think a lot of stupid things. But it is the time to let myself grow up & don't stop at the same level anymore. I'm started tired on all this kind of stupid thing. It just same as last time, it like an history keep on repeat & repeat the same thing, so what for we still annoying on that? what for we still care on that? there is no point~!

When there is something keep on happened & you still stubborn on your own point, at the end, you are the only one to suffer on that. So why don't we just let it go? Emo people shouldn't have their happiness? Are there any fact to prove on that? I hate to be a Emo people but there are no doubt, I am~!

Just Try to Let Go Everything that is Not Important~!
NightMare Start Again...
Insomnia Start Again,Good luck Girl~!

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